Relations or Friendship
Relations or Friendship
After my previous article about operating in a human context and the fact that many of us are unconsciously looking to create Relations and in some cases making friends in the workplace it led me to the thought of promoting the importance of Relations in general.
It is nice to go for lunch with somebody and just to have a chat or discuss a book or article together, giving different tips to each other and so on, without it the day would be dry, if not boring, but once we know more about Relations as a concept and work on them we don’t have to worry about the lack of “friendships” at work.
Technically speaking HR has a huge and a very important platform called Relations or Employment Relations and that is just a basis of any work, I will touch on that a bit later, it is a very complex and interesting topic.
Relations, however, is a different scenario, let’s see what they imply, let’s see what they can build:
1. Relations don’t have to have a human pair. It can be just another form of attitude like your Relation to the situation, your Relation to that task, your Relation to the problem or upcoming work. It is both excitement and behavioural criteria.
2. Relations at work are stronger than a friendship, although a friendship is also a form of relations but yet it has more personal reflection whereas in the workplace we have to have relations anyway due to the business requirements and think about the impact on the business. Hence if no one is offering you to bring a cup of tea or inviting you for a drink for socialising it doesn’t mean they don’t have relations towards you. Or vice versa drinks whether hot or alcohol should not be the reason around creating relations, some relations are created during drinking, the question is how strong and for how long the relations will last or is it a drink or something else that triggered the relation being created? Relations and purpose should have a connection for a “healthy” result.
3. Common goals are from one side a connector for people and from the other they can be reached easier with Relations! In this scenario they are more strategic with probably less fun.
The takeaway here will be: Try to build relations with your work through passion, commitment and curiosity, that energy lasts for a long time.
What are your thoughts, am I right?
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